Sunday, 13 May 2012

Exam? more like ex-HAM!

I am freaking out a little bit.

I apologise for the lack of updates recently, I have been trying to revise for my upcoming exams.
'Trying' being the operative word.

However, as I am feeling serious about the idea of being a blogger, at the beginning of June, I will give myself a schedule. Not that anyone cares, or should care.

Because this blog's shit.


Я люблю вас всех, и перейдите змея, это прекрасный день. и пицца вкусные!

Thank you also to google translate, for being the gateway between me and my homey's.

Is homey's spelt like that? Or is it homie's?

Anyhooo, I'm off to study for approximately three days, and then I will cry for a year. I'll be blogging though, tear stained blogs of failure and defeat.



I look a bit like that kid from The Morgana show, the one with a snake that one time?

Happy reading butterballs,

and good luck if any of you have exams... I know if you're anything like me, you'll need it.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Mark Ruffalo ruffles my feathers in AVENGERS


Spoilers included, but not too revealing of plot.
Yeah, I guess it was pretty good. No, it was really good, but like all ranty teenagers I got a couple of 'constructive critiques' for Mr Whedon.

NUMBER 1: What the heck? How is Nick Fury so good at aiming? HE HAS AN EYE PATCH! Surely there is no perception of distance?

NUMBER 2: Again with the top man, but when he is shooting at that jet, does he not even consider that poor soldiers life? YOU HEARTLESS BASTARD SAMUEL L. JACKSON. I get that he was trying to save Manhattan, but whatever. Chillax dude.

NUMBER 3: Loki is super hot. Not a critique really, but he was yummy. In an evil way of course... Mhmm.

NUMBER 4: Bruce Banner was also very yummy. Okay, lets be honest, all of them were very yummy. But there was something especially nice about seeing Mark Ruffalo lying naked in a pile of rubble that made that movie. And the old man was just hilarious.

NUMBER 5: The sexual tension between Thor and his hammer just gets hotter and hotter.

NUMBER 6: Loki seems to have plenty of chances to cause some havoc, but is lazy and is just like, 'Imma watch my brother fight this random metal man, now him hit a metal plate with his sexy hammer.. Should I run away? No. Is it suspicious why I'm waiting for my brother, instead of running? No.' Don't worry though Loki, I love you and your creepy smile still.

NUMBER 7: Loki's helmet. Haha.

NUMBER 8: Anyone catch that Lord of the Rings reference, when Iron Man calls Hawkeye Legolas? Just me? Okay...

NUMBER 9: If you ever watch the Avengers on DVD, or just watch it on TV, try commentating during the fights with a friend, pretending you're one, and they're the other in the fight.. Especially funny during Loki and Thor's arguments... "GOD you are such a tell tale!" "OUCH, stop hitting me! MUUUUMMY!" Hours of fun.

NUMBER 10: I should probably mention Black widow.      Mentioned.

Overall, very good, very funny and you should all go watch it. :)


Wednesday, 2 May 2012

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. And then there's Jess.

Jessica Andrews is the most beautiful human being in THE WHOLE FREAKING WORLD.
And the entire next post will be dedicated to her.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Angry rant is ranty.

Being okay with things that are not in your control...

 Recently I've been feeling a little down as I have A levels coming up, and just small things biting at me, and I decided to write a little post about it, even though I promised a certain friend of mine I'd do an entire post about her. Don't worry, it's coming.

In life, we all have a series of choices, and me being me have never really paid attention to that. I believe that what happens, happens. This of course is where exams come in, and so reveals the revision dilemma, but I digress...

One thing that has never upset me one single person. I like to think I'm rather laid back, something I did NOT inherit from my parents, my mother for instance going insane this morning over me washing a glass, and my father having the power of being utterly incapable of being around people for more than five minutes without something annoying him. Me and my Smum (Step-mum) like to joke I inherited it from her, as she is most patient person I know!

Not being annoyed by a person is true, yet people annoy me all the time! I hate people who have bad grammar, or cannot spell simple words (I'm a grammar nazi, and to my friends delight call them out on it all the time) I hate queues in supermarkets, and I hate public displays of affection. I dislike racists, sexists, homophobic's and people who judge others. I hate it when girls wear revealing clothing, and when guys let their jeans hang loose. I DETEST bullies, and loathe people who hurt the ones I love. I am very protective, and hear all the time about how my sister is upset at school, because some little punks think they're clever.

I hate that there are rules saying that I can't give them a good talking to.

Overall, these are all small things, and though there are bigger things in life, things that will always be there, you just accept them and move on. Big or small, life is short.

Chill out, take a break every now and then.

Grab a good book and go read by the river.

Don't ever let anyone tell you you're not good enough, but if they do, prove them wrong.

Life is short, and if someone's wasting theirs on hurting you, you should be flattered, they obviously think you're special.

And pity them, they probably have a small brain. Or penis!

Promise my next post won't just be angry ranting,

It'll be mindless fluff about a weirdo called tiger in da room. Warning: This blog is still shit, I'd still recommend not reading it.

I'm still posting regularly though. AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.